7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership

Leadership applies to every area of your life. Either it is professional or personal work. Leadership is needed everywhere.

If you are serious about awakening your leader, Get up an hour earlier every day and spent 60 minutes in self-development.

The daily discipline alone will work miracles for you in your career and within every other area of your life.

There is seven practice I suggest you do. You don’t have to do it every day. Choose a few best of the fundamentals and practice every morning during your leadership hour.
Let’s start the 7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership

7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership
7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership

1- Learning- Never stop learning!

Read the book that will inspire you that strengthen your character, And remind you of the great leader of the world.
Read What inspires you to be more innovative towards your lifestyle and work.
Listen to audiobook, podcast. You become what you think/read/see. We can also learn by listening to the people.

Instead of speaking, focus on listening occasionally. Perhaps, you can get a beautiful message by listening to others.


The best way to be positive is the consistent repetition of positive affirmation.
Start your day by reciting the affirmations –

I am the best.
Today I will be more productive and focused.
I am happy.
Money and opportunity are coming into my life.

Our mind works as a programming system. The output will depend on the input that we are giving.
So fill your mind with all those positive affirmations that connect you with your dream or that give you happiness.

The way you start your day determines how well you will live your day.

Your first thoughts on waking up and your last thought before going to sleep have a big impact on what is going on between them.


The mind works through pictures. Yes, this is true whatever we feel and think about something is depend on
what images, we have saved in our mind for that particular thing?


EX- A newborn baby does not know that snake is dangerous or venomous. But as soon the baby starts growing up, he /she starts realizing that the snake is venomous through the pictures that have set in his/her mind through us.

The power of visualization is enormous. So close your eyes and visualize what you want to achieve and How would you feel if you got that thing?
It will also help you to clarify what you want in your life more clearly.

Success is not about what you receive, It all about what you want!


Writing a journal is analyzing your inner self.
Writing a journal is making your future better than the past.
We always take care of our expenses and compute our earning and divide the amount how to spend.
We make notes of what we learn during our classes. So why we can make notes of what we are learning in life.

Keep track of your mistake and reward. So, In case of any failure, you can look into your rewards and mistake.

Note down your feeling, hope, dream, and fear. Go deep into your fear and frustration because the fear you embrace are the fears you will release.

Your journal is also a place to express gratitude for all you have and to memorialize your journey through life. Life is a gift, and so it’s worth recording.

5-Goal Setting-

Goals generate hope and positive energy. It is vital to have goals in life.
Without having dreams, life becomes meaningful and dull. I have listened to people who just not happy with their life even if they have everything. The goal can be a dream job, vehicle, house. But it can be more than these.

The goal is what makes you happy and always remember money, a vehicle this thing cant make you happy for a long time.

Recall the day when you received a pay raise, which made you happy for how long? Not more than a few months.

Your short time goal can be a job and vehicle. But always look inside if you are choosing the life goal.

6- Exercise-

Doing something physical each day boosts brain function, helps you manage stress more effectively.
At least 3 days a week do some exercise because in the end health is the only thing that matters.

If you are not physically and mentally well then you cannot enjoy anything even you cannot concentrate on your work.

So here are the 11 Yoga poses for beginners


What you eat determines how well you will perform.
If you take a healthy diet. It will make you feel positive and your energy will remain at its peak.

Your eating habit is directly proportional to your health so TAKE care of your diet.

Dietary Supplements

Happy people do make a Happy leader.

So you have learned the 7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership try to wake up 1 hour earlier and at least follow 1 fundamental 3 times a week.
You will see a drastic change.

And music is the best therapy. Make time for yourself with your favorite music.

Self-time- Nobody in the world knows you better than you, be honest with yourself, try to sit with – who you are, not with what are you showing, and how are you behaving.

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A girl who thinks beyond the kitchen. A moon lover who just want to live, life on her conditions and believes in willing power. I strongly believe that a person’s eyes speak more then them if you really want to know someone just look into their eyes you can figure out everything.

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Khushi Chaudhary

Khushi Chaudhary

A girl who thinks beyond the kitchen. A moon lover who just want to live, life on her conditions and believes in willing power. I strongly believe that a person’s eyes speak more then them if you really want to know someone just look into their eyes you can figure out everything.

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