You must be thinking that why it’s important to know what is body mass index. Here is the reason.

One in every 6 people with diabetes in the world is from India. The numbers place the country among the top 10 countries for people with diabetes, coming in at number 2 with an estimated 77 million diabetics in India.

China is topping the list of diabetic patients in the world. Not only diabetes, but there are also many diseases in which India is in the top 10 countries in the world. The reason behind this is the lack of knowledge about being fit or about a healthy diet.

In this article, we will read How to calculate your BMI and benefits of calculating BMI.

BMI is the way you can monitor your body weight and regulate your diet accordingly. It’s a very important aspect of fitness which people ignore most of the time.

What is body mass index (BMI)?

Body Mass Index or BMI is a way of checking that a person is of a healthy weight or not. BMI uses your height and weight to calculate if you are a healthy weight, overweight, or underweight. You can check your BMI using a BMI chart or there are many other websites that have a BMI calculator.


How To Calculate Your BMI?

Method – 1

Take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in meters. Take the number you get here and divide it by your height a second time. The number you get at the end is your BMI.

Example – If you are of 82 Kg body weight and your height is 1.7 meters then your equation for calculating BMI is:-
82÷ 1.7= 48.23
48.23 ÷ 1.7 = 28.37
Then, the BMI is 28.37

Method – 2

It is done by the body weight in kilograms is divided by the square of the body height in meters.

Example – same body figures as above then the equation is:-
82 ÷ 1.7× 1.7
82 ÷ 2.89 = 28.37



  • If your BMI is below 18.5 then you are underweight.
  • It is normal if your BMI is between 18.5 – 24.5 .
  • If it lies above 24.5 or 25 then you are overweight.
  • If your BMI is above 29.5 it is said to be obese.

In case that you are underweight, you need to know the consequences of being underweight. Read our article Consequences of being underweight.

In this case, you have to gain weight as well. HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT in this article our  CFN certified nutritionist has given the view on how to gain healthy weight.

NOTE – BMI is based on height and weight only. It tells you an inaccurate body fat content.

It doesn’t account for muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition. A researcher from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania said this.

This is the reason bodybuilders are not considered as overweight or obese because their body fat content is very low and muscle mass is very high.


Benefits of calculating BMI

It gives the idea to determine body fat and how to regulate the same. By maintaining a healthy weight and normal BMI you’re likely to have fewer joint and muscle pains, better regulation of bodily fluids, and blood pressure.

It may reduce the risk of developing diabetes, the reduced burden to your heart and circulatory system, better sleep, reduction in blood triglycerides, and many other benefits.

BMI can also help your physician gauge your general risk of obesity-related diseases, though BMI is best used in combination with other measurements to get a more complete look at your health.

Even there are many studies that show a link between BMI and the risk of several diseases as well as premature death.

As BMI decreases the risk for:


Cardiovascular Disease



Gallbladder Disease


Sleep Apnea

Some cancers


What Should Be Done:-

Start today, calculate your BMI, and start a healthy lifestyle by regulating a healthy diet, doing some workout, and adopting some healthy habits. In severe cases contact your Doctor.

For more stay tuned to our website.

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Sooraj Prakash

I'm into fitness since 2013. CFN certified nutritionist. Stay healthy to grow yourself physically and mentally.
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Sooraj Prakash

Sooraj Prakash

I'm into fitness since 2013. CFN certified nutritionist. Stay healthy to grow yourself physically and mentally.

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